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Главная » Статьи » 3 курс, семест 2 » Іноземна мова

Контрольна робота Варіант 3

Test (3rd year 6th term)

                                          Variant III       

I   Paraphrase the following using the Objective Participle Complex.

1.  We watched them as they were playing hockey.

2.  I saw him as he was picking flowers in the park.

3.  The tailor made a suit for him.

4.  The worker repaired her car.

5.  The girls were singing a folk song. I heard it.

6.  The children were swimming in the river. We watched it.

II   Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

1.  If I am a student, I would study all the subjects day and night.

2.  If my mother had a million pounds, she will buy a house in London.

3.  If they have lived in Paris, they would learn to speak French fluently.

4.  If she had known the correct answer, she would have win the cash prize.

5.  If we don’t take a taxi, we would be late for the performance.

III Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Absolute Participle Complex.

1.  As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.

2.  As her son was ill, she could not go to the theatre.

3.  As his sister has broken her glasses, he had to buy a pair of new ones.

4.  As the waiting-room was being cleaned, the passengers were not let in.

5.  When the work had been done, they went home.

6.  As all the tickets had been sold out, we couldn’t see the performance.

IV Fill in the proper form of modal verbs.

1.  Our students … read and speak English.

2.  The students … go home.

3.  Children … sleep 9 hours a day.

4.  If you want to learn English, you … work hard.

5.  She …go there yesterday.

6.  We …to swim in the pool after 9 yesterday.

V  Translate into English.

1.  Я не можу знайти свій записник. Ти, можливо залишив його біля телефону. Я бачив його там вранці. Міг би сказати мені про це раніше.

2.  Ми мали скласти іспит минулої середи, але викладач захворів. Отже, нам треба буде складати його завтра.

3.  Ніхто не знав, як ці племена попали на острів. Можливо, вони дісталися сюди на плотах.

4.  Деякі вчені вважають, що, можливо, Шекспір написав цю сцену через декілька років після того, як була написана вся п’єса.

5.  Сестра запевняла мене, що бачила змію в лісі. Я сказав їй, що вона не могла бачити змію: в наших місцях немає змій.


Категория: Іноземна мова | Добавил: Yusia_13 (02.02.2010)
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3 Юля Овчаренко  
и я 3

2 Юлька  
Я яяяяяяя его взяла оно моееееее wink

1 Инна Махлай  
Я взяла 3 вариант

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