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Главная » Статьи » 3 курс, семест 2 » Іноземна мова

Контрольна робота Варіант 2

Test (3rd year 6th term)

                                          Variant II       

I   Paraphrase the following using Objective Participle Complex.

1.  The lecturer observed the students as they were writing test.

2.  I saw the girl as she was crossing the street.

3.  The photographer took a photograph of him.

4.   The typist typed this article for him.

5.  The woman was shouting at the boys. We heard it.

6.  The man was trying to unlock the door. I noticed it.

II   Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

1.  If you were a doctor, what will you do in this case?

2.  If my friend goes to Britain he would have learnt the language.

3.  If they had been to the exhibition yesterday, they would had seen all the inventions.

4.  The man would have been kill if the train hadn’t stopped quickly.

5.  If he got a visa he will go to Scotland on winter holidays.

III Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Absolute Participle Complex.

1.  As it is rather cold, I put on my coat.

2.  As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry.

3.  After the sun had risen, we continued our way.

4.  As the book was being printed, we hoped to get it soon.

5.  As the road had been repaired, we could go there by bus.

6.  As houses are built very quickly nowadays, we’ll soon get a new flat. 

IV Fill in the proper form of modal verbs.

1.  His friends … to help him next Sunday.

2.  You … see these documents.

3.  Everybody … go in for sports.

4.  If you can’t do this work, you … tell them about it.

5.  The students … write the test last Sunday.

6.  They … us to take their skates last Monday.

V Translate into English.

1.  Завдання було не складне. Але він не зміг виконати його. Не може бути, щоб він його не зрозумів.

2.  Ми повинні вивчити багато слів на завтра. Тобі не треба (не має потреби) вчити ці слова сьогодні. У нас не буде тесту завтра.

3.  Невже ви все ще працюєте над цим перекладом? Ця стаття дуже проста.

4.  Напевно мої слова здалися їм дивними, а можливо, вони просто не зрозуміли, в чому справа: ніхто мені не відповів.

5.  Можливо я помилився.


Категория: Іноземна мова | Добавил: Yusia_13 (02.02.2010)
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